Training Plan

Ripped Abs For The Summer (2013 Edition)

Four on – one off, as scheduling permits


Pullups, weighted
Bench, 25 reps, increase weight at 5×5
Chest Supported Row, Hammer Strength, 5×10, autoregulated
Horizontal Push, 5×10, autoregulated
Arms, Abs, Vanity


Pullups, volume
Squat, 5×3, heavy
Squat, 5×5, light
Stiff Legged Deadlift, 5×10
Volume work, autoregulated
Abs, Vanity


Pullups, weighted
Bench, A-10/15, 5×5
Chest Supported Row, Hammer Strength, 5×10, autoregulated
Horizontal Push, 5×10, autoregulated
Arms, Abs, Vanity


Pullups, volume
Deadlift, 3×3, heavy
Stiff Legged Deadlift, 5×10
Front Squat, 5×5
Volume work, autoregulated
Abs, Vanity

Erg, autoregulated following every session

Lots of mobility and tissue work. I hope to do a bit of yoga every morning as well to start the day out centered and mobilized.

Header, cropped from:

North Face, K2
Photograph by Tommy Heinrich, National Geographic
A full moon illuminates the north face of K2.